Review: The Wall Between Us

The Wall Between Us is a German feature film, written by Susanne Fuelscher, Antonia Rothe-Liermann and Norbert Lechner, and directed by Norbert Lechner. Earlier this week, the lead actors Lea Freund and Tim Bülow won big at the 4th Annual Actors Awards: Lea won Best Performance of the Year, and together with Tim won Best Duo of the Year.

The story of The Wall Between Us takes place in Germany, 1986. At a youth meeting between East and West Anna (Lea Freund) meets Phillip (Tim Bülow). It is “love at first sight”. But the love is overshadowed by a bitter reality: the wall that threatens to end their relationship. There is something pure about Lea Freund's performance. She is adorable, from the very first scene- full of charm and inner magic that can't be explained in words. Her chemistry with Tim Bülow is simply perfect - you believe the characters at any moment, and as the story progresses, you find yourself deeply connected to them.

Lisa Roumain, the Actors Awards' premier judge, selected Lea as Best Performance of the Year, stating: "Lea Freund makes us remember what it felt like to long for someone out of your reach in this beautiful film. Her performance is layered, raw, and deeply touching."
Freund also won Best Duo with her co-star Tim Bülow. Juror Mor Cohen said: "Lea Freund and Tim Bülow make the most captivating duo and their developing relationship was absolutely delightful to watch. Every second they share on screen is full of glorious detail and elegant charm. They are nuanced, engaged, and play off of each other so well that it's hard to believe you're watching characters in a film and not real people going about their lives."
Lea Freund is this week's Artist of the Week, selected by the Filmmakers Connect community.

Congratulations to the entire cast and crew!