Actors Awards
Oct 11, 2020
Review: Failure is an Option
Failure is an Option is a 30-minute dramedy that brings awareness about depression and stigma around mental health. In Failure is an...

Actors Awards
Oct 11, 2020
Review: Deadpool The Musical 2
He’s back! That “Merc with a Mouth” just can’t stop singing! This time, they've pulled out all the stops with an insane, action-filled...

Actors Awards
Oct 11, 2020
Review: Kommando 1944
July 1944, An Asian American soldier Corporal Soo is thrown into a Nazi work camp on a farm in Germany as his family back home in America...

Actors Awards
Oct 11, 2020
Review: The Last Divide
Colby Conrad stars In this day-after-tomorrow, world-gone-to-hell thriller about a drifter seeking revenge on Ryan (Holly Stevens), a...

Actors Awards
Oct 11, 2020
Review: A Date with Shillelagh
The film focuses on the misogynistic behavior within the entertainment industry. Highlighted in high profile allegations against media...

Actors Awards
Oct 11, 2020
Review: 75
A crash victim, a housewife and two repressed teens are connected by hard-working therapist Viola, who helps them battle their addictions...

Actors Awards
Oct 11, 2020
Review: Lost in Apocalypse
A group of seemingly unrelated individuals fight their way out of a virus-infested hotel, only to find themselves at a worse place than...